Gravitag Online is currenlty in development. It will be released on Crazy Games early 2025.
Enjoy a rapid fire game of tag between Rollie the cheeky monkey and Spikey the devious devil. With gravity platforms, grappling hooks and drills, shenanigans are guaranteed in this 2 player experience.

In 2024 I participated in the UNWRAP gamejam, wich is a yearly 3-day event where hundreds of students compete in a game development compitition. In this timeframe we made Gravitag.
I was responsible for the physics system and the gameloop.
Our team existed out of 6 DAE Howest students:
Pyush Chamoli
Gameloop Programmer + Game Designer + Project Manager
Gameloop Programmer + Game Designer + Project Manager
Dante Deketele
Physics Programmer + Shader Artist
Physics Programmer + Shader Artist
Lorena Muenzberg
Artist + Animator
Artist + Animator
Natalia Grytczuk
Artist + Concept Designer
Artist + Concept Designer
Senne Bovee
Artist + UI Artist
Artist + UI Artist
Liam Negels
Audio Design + Audio Scripting
Audio Design + Audio Scripting