For a local theater production of Oliver the musical, I developed a timeline app that synced the current scene to multiple rooms and buildings run on multiple rpi's and androidtvs.
Since we had a big cast some of the actors had to change in a seperate building. To solve this I made a small web app that showed the current state of the show. Theater technicians could move the position on the timeline and this would sync to all instances of the app.
The app had 3 interfaces: a cast view, a tech view and a dashboard for tablet so it is eazy to quickly change timings.
Back then I made this app with PHP on a static website. One major flaw with this is that the app has to fetch to get update and there was no way for clients to get messeges by itself. Ofcourse this would be easily fixed with websockets.
The project is currently not in use anymore, but making a user-friendly variant with clean code is still on my radar.